How to start Minikube on Mac with VMWare Fusion
After 2 days struggling with VMs and docker and all these stuff finally I started Minikube shit!
and here is my walk through:
1- Open
Documentation > Tasks > Install Tools > Install Minikube
2- Install Kubectl
so you need to install ’kubectl’ at first. skip all of those shits and just run:
brew install kubectl
3- Install Hypervisor
I Installed VMware Fusion but so follow my isntuction:
1- Download VMware from link below:
and I bet you don’t know where the hell is it and you try to open downloads tap but don’t do it! honestly i’m wondering what kind of person can design a download button like this he was probably playing with his balls, I guess.
Ok! download the VMware Fusion and install it.
2- Download an OS .iso file and install it on the VMware Fusion like a boss.
(you can download ubuntu from :
3- Update your Docker and KVM2:
curl -LO \ && sudo install docker-machine-driver-kvm2 /usr/local/bin/
4- Install minikube:
using this command :
brew install minikube
5- Create a profile:
minikube profile nlx
and finally do the finisher to it
6- Start minikube:
minikube start
enjoy !